Old age normally comes with a lot of issues, and everyone wants to age gracefully. Some lifestyle habits will help you have a healthy old age.
Build social relationship
Almost thirty percent of parents living alone and the feeling of loneliness is heavy. Changes in your life like health problems, loss of spouse or retirement may result in social isolation. Ensure that you always keep in touch with friends and family especially after undergoing significant changes in your life. Schedule time regularly for meeting family and friends over tea once a week. Invite friends who feel isolated and lonely and build your social relationship.
Living the active
Regular exercise is one of the greatest keys both mental and physical well-being. An active life helps you to keep fit enough and keeps your freedom doing your activities and going wherever you want. Regular exercise also prevents the onset of chronic diseases like diabetes arthritis and depression. Stay active by doing things that you enjoy.
Eat healthily
Most adults take more than double the daily recommended sodium intake which may lead to hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Most of this high sodium intake is from packaged foods. Eating nutrient-dense foods such as vegetables, whole-grain foods and fruits is a good way to ensure you are healthy when aging. Avoid processed, packaged and salty foods.
Brain maintenance
An eighth of older adults suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, while some cognitive decline is a part of aging. Lifestyles which stimulate cognitive response through active learning can slow down the cognitive decline. It is advisable that you never stop learning and challenging your mind. Take dancing lessons, learn new languages, read books or how to play musical instruments.
Reduce stress
As you age, there are changes in your state of stress and your ability to cope with it. Long-term stress may damage the brain cells and lead to depression. It may also cause fatigue and memory loss. You can avoid the stressful situation and learn techniques of coping with it. Take care of yourself when stressed with exercise, eating nutritious food and having enough sleep. Talk to the people you trust that can advise you on stress.
Sleep enough
Human beings may be resilient to no food than sleep. Parents sleep just like adults that is seven to nine hours every night. Deprivation of sleep may cause depression, memory problems, increased falling risks and irritability. Create a regular schedule for sleeping. Keep the bedroom dark and noise free when you sleep and avoid playing games or watching television when in bed.
These tips will help you age in a healthily and gracefully so try to them out.