Sleeping difficulties (also named narcolepsy) may not have a direct impact on your health immediately. But only after several years, you will experience the detrimental effects of that condition. Moreover, according to Sleep Advisor, narcolepsy is estimated to affect 3 million people worldwide.
It’s been suggested that our highly industrialized society has something to do with the way we sleep. Excessive light exposure, working overtime, gadget use, nightlife, and city noises are common things that happen among city dwellers. Hence, they are suspected as the cause of sleeping depravity.
Identifying the Causes
Although we’ve discussed several possible causes above, you need to know precisely which one that really leads to your sleeping problem. And you must realize that your physical condition plays a major role too in determining the quality of your sleep. For example, sleep apnea is a condition where a person occasionally stops breathing during their sleep. Obesity and genetics are often the primary causes of sleep apnea.
As for sleeping disorders, your mental state and the environment surrounding you can be the factors that affect your sleep quality.
Get More Physically Active
No matter how determined you are in improving your room or conditioning your environment to be sleeping-friendly, you won’t get what you are looking for if your body is not fit. Spending more than eight hours sitting in front of your computer is surely tiring, yet when you think your body needs sleep, it just won’t work. A sedentary lifestyle has been known to be harmful to your overall health, and that includes affecting your rest.
First, try to walk every time you have the chance. If you can walk to your office, then do it. If you can use the stairs to get to the cafeteria in the office, then choose that over using the lift. Even a simple physical activity like raising your arms to stretch your back can boost your immune system.
Second, allocate at least twice or three sessions a week for exercise. Hit the gym and sweat! You’ll see how significantly improved your rest quality after several weeks.
Time Your Gadget Use
Your gadgets indeed help you with many tasks in life, but you don’t have to use them all the time. When you get home to sleep, turn off your phones. When you are on vacation, never allow your phone to disturb you.
If you don’t believe that you’ve been overusing your gadget, try to count how many hours you spend on your phone screen every day. Start with that number and decrease it by 30%.