Being a believer is not entirely bad for oneself. In fact, having faith in spiritual things can bring some health benefits. The body achieves what mind believes. And to some degree, our health does work like that. If we are happy, we are healthy. If we are under stress for a long time, our immune system gets affected, and we become vulnerable to illnesses.
Spiritual and superstitious are two closely related adjectives. People who believe that their fate relies on the assembly of the stars and celestial objects are the same with people who pray for their health. But such faith does affect their healing rate.
Now, let us learn some ways to have fun with spirituality and superstition.
Numerology uses numbers to read someone’s health, wealth, romance, and future. Usually, birth date plays an essential part in the reading. The numerologist then calculates that date with the other date of the event that fits the context of the reading.
For instance, you want to know if your health will improve or not next year. Then the numbers of the year you were born is calculated against the numbers of the year in question. Sometimes, there are extra numbers that are included in the calculation, but they are exclusive to the numerologist’s knowledge.
And if you are good at math, do not be too serious and apply your expertise to the reading. Just do it for fun!
If paying for a real numerologist does not seem like a good idea for you, you can visit the same service on the Internet. There are plenty of sites for numerology. It can read if someday you or your loved one suffers from a fatal disease or not. You can also see whether it is death or else that separate you from him/her.
Palm Reading
Palm reading is an ancient trick. The clairvoyance believes that the lines on people’s hands tell their complete life stories. Palm readers are also known for reading personality, which makes the magic even more interesting than the other types of superstitious conduct.
Technology has seemed to interfere with the mysticism of palm reading. Today, you can find palm reading apps easily. You take photos of your both hands, and the app does the fortune-telling. But for a more intense experience, you can visit a real palm reader.
Palm readers are the best at tricking your minds with sweet words. These days, palm readers rarely read unfortunate events, though. Perhaps, it is because no one likes to hear unsettling information about themselves.
Astrologists believe that stellar constellations affect human’s life. And you probably have been accustomed to the idea because we all know the twelve zodiacs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Astrology articles are also everywhere, from printed magazines, newspaper, to online blogs.
But directly coming to an astrologist can give you the experience of personal fortune-telling. Some of them are pretty expert. They know your private life just by interviewing you.
All of the three conducts above are pseudosciences. They have no real impacts on you unless you firmly believe them. However, positive reading can affect your psychological health. Having other people to read your life can also be entertainment. So, why don’t we try them for fun?